Health-systems bottlenecks and strategies to accelerate scale-up in countries

Publish Date: May 2014
Author: Dr Kim E Dickson, Aline Simen-Kapeu, Mary V Kinney, Luis Huicho, Linda Vesel, Eve Lackritz, Joseph de Graft Johnson, Severin von Xylander, Nuzhat Rafique, Mariame Sylla, Charles Mwansambo, Bernadette Daelmans, Joy E Lawn, for The Lancet Every Newborn Study Group
Language: English

MCHIP’s Newborn Health Team Leader, Dr. Joseph de Graft-Johnson, has contributed to a series of papers published in The Lancet. The series provides an overview of the progress to date in newborn survival, and stresses the need for quality care at birth.

The article—entitled “Health-systems bottlenecks and strategies to accelerate scale-up in countries”—is one of five papers in the collection, which pulls from the knowledge of more than 54 experts from 28 institutions in 17 countries. The article highlights the need for universal coverage of essential interventions to reduce neonatal deaths and stillbirths, and to improve the health of women and children after the first month.

The authors examined the bottlenecks to essential maternal and newborn health care in 8 of the 13 countries with the most neonatal deaths, and identify key factors needed to reduce neonatal mortality from strategies proving effective in fast progressing countries.

To read the full article, click here.

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