Quality of Care of the Prevention and Management of Common Maternal and Newborn Complications in Health Facilities in Madagascar

Publish Date: December 2011
Author: MCHIP, Justin Ranjalahy Rasolofomanana, Jean Pierre Rakotovao, Eva Bazant, Vandana Tripathi
Language: English, French

This survey was designed to complement and extend previous efforts at assessing quality and access to maternal and newborn care, with a particular focus on observations of providers during antenatal care and labor and delivery to assess the use of lifesaving interventions to prevent or manage common complications. The multi-country study objectives were to:

  • Guide program planning for improving quality of facility-based maternal and newborn care services in each country and at the global level;
  • Develop rapid and practical data collection tools and composite indicators; and
  • Provide baseline estimates and, when repeated, endline estimates where the survey is part of an evaluation of program interventions.


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