New vaccine introductions: Assessing the impact and the opportunities for immunization and health system strengthening

Publish Date: April 2013
Author: Susan A. Wanga, Terri B. Hydeb, Sandra Mounier-Jackc, Logan Brenzeld, Michael Favine, W. Scott Gordonf, Jessica C. Shearerg, Carsten F. Mantela, Narendra Arorah, David Durrheimi
Language: English

To showcase recent developments and new directions in global immunization, the peer-reviewed medical journal Vaccine has published a special supplement this month on the Decade of Vaccines (DoV).

As a member of a WHO ad hoc working group to the WHO Scientific Advisory Group of Experts examining the effect of new vaccine introductions (NVIs) on immunization and health systems, MCHIP Senior Immunization Technical Advisor Mike Favin co-authored the paper, “New vaccine introductions: Assessing the impact and the opportunities for immunization and health system strengthening.” The paper describes how there is no simple, unequivocal answer to the question of whether NVIs have a positive or negative effect on immunization and health systems; rather, their effect is a function of the existing health system context, the characteristics of the vaccine in question, and the preparations undertaken.