WHO Policy Brief for the Implementation of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy using Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP)


Based on an evidence review, WHO updated its recommendations on IPTp-SP as outlined in this brief. The brief notes that “IPTp-SP is an integral part of WHO’s three-pronged approach to the prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy, which also includes the use of insecticide-treated nets and prompt and effective case management.”

Review of National-Level Malaria in Pregnancy Documents in 19 PMI Focus Countries

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With support from the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), MCHIP conducted a review of malaria in pregnancy related policies, guidelines, training and supervision materials in 19 PMI focus countries (Angola, Benin, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). The review aimed to: Understand what is included in national-level reproductive health …

Malaria Protection in Pregnancy: A lifesaving intervention for preventing neonatal mortality and low birth weight


This paper synthesizes information and key findings from recent studies highlighting the critical importance of continuing intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy (IPTp) with sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) as well as insecticide treated bed net (ITN) use among pregnant women to prevent the adverse consequences of malaria in pregnancy (MIP). It also includes information on implications for MIP programs. (Available in English …

A Malaria in Pregnancy Country Case Study: Malawi’s Successes and Remaining Challenges for Malaria in Pregnancy Programming


MCHIP conducted program reviews of malaria in pregnancy (MIP) programming and community case management (CCM) programming, which resulted in comprehensive country case studies. The purpose of each case study was to gain a better understanding of MIP and CCM programming efforts, specifically: • Best practices/strategies that have supported MIP or CCM programming success; • Existing bottlenecks in MIP or CCM program implementation and how …

A Malaria in Pregnancy Case Study: Senegal’s Successes and Remaining Challenges for Malaria in Pregnancy Programming


MCHIP conducted a program review of malaria in pregnancy (MIP) programming successes and challenges in Senegal, which resulted in a comprehensive country case study. The purpose of the case study was to gain a better understanding of MIP programming efforts, specifically: Best practices/strategies that have supported MIP programming successes; Existing bottlenecks in MIP program implementation and how these are addressed; …

Successes and Challenges for Malaria in Pregnancy Programming: A Three-Country Analysis


MCHIP conducted program reviews of malaria in pregnancy (MIP) programming successes and challenges in Zambia, Senegal and Malawi, which resulted in three comprehensive country case studies. In addition, MCHIP developed a three-country analysis brief linking the results, recommendations and next steps across the three case studies, available below in English and French.

ACCESS End of Project Report


The Access to Clinical and Community Maternal, Neonatal and Women’s Health Services (ACCESS) Program — a five-year, $75 million Leader with Associates Award — aimed to improve the health and survival of mothers and their newborns through expansion of coverage, access and use of maternal and newborn health services, and through improving household health behaviors and practices. This report presents …

Malaria In Pregnancy Implementation Guide


This practical guide is intended to help African countries implement and scale up programs to prevent and treat malaria in pregnancy. It was inspired by the WHO/AFRO Strategic Framework for Malaria Control during Pregnancy in the African Region, which presents a systematic approach to program implementation. This guide describes eight essential program components within that approach that are needed to …

A Malaria in Pregnancy Case Study: Zambia’s Successes and Remaining Challenges for Malaria in Pregnancy Programming


This case study contributes to the development of a standardized framework for the analysis of best practices and bottlenecks in MIP implementation. The methodology used consisted of a desk review of secondary data sources, as well as in-depth qualitative interviews. The findings were then analyzed according to the MIP Readiness Scale, a framework developed by Jhpiego and the Malaria Action …

Malaria Resource Package


This resource package provides tools including training resources, programming resources, and reference materials to help implement programs that will reduce malaria in pregnancy and provide effective treatment for pregnant women with malaria.  http://resources.jhpiego.org/resources/malaria-resource-package